Semester 1 Topic 6 Level K

Task Name : Algebra Fractions Game Task Level : K (Year 10)
Semester : 1 Topic : Operations with Fractions VC Strand : Patterns and Algebra
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Equipment Needed : Two handfuls of different coloured counters (one colour for each player), two six-sided dice, one six-sided algebra dice, one plus-minus dice, one multiplication/division dice (these latter two can be combined as one die). One two-sided gameboard.
Victorian Curriculum outcome : Apply the four operations to simple algebraic fractions with numerical denominators.
Task description : Game 1: You will need two sets different coloured counters (one colour for each player), two regular six sided dice, one plus/minus dice and one algebra dice.
The object of the game is to make a line of three counters, vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Each line of three is worth one point.
Each player takes a turn to roll the dice. The player throws the three dice first; the smaller of the numerical dice is the numerator, the larger is the denominator and this is combined with the algebraic term. So a 6, a 2 and a b2 becomes 2b2/6 or, simplified, b2/3. The player then rolls the plus/minus dice which indicates if the next fraction will be added or subtracted. Finally, the player rolls the two numerical dice again (assume the algebra term is the same for the second fraction).
If the result of the addition or subtraction of the two fractions is on the board, the player may place a counter on that square, and it is the next player’s turn. If not, the player misses a turn. The game continues until the board is full.Game 2: You will need two sets different coloured counters (one colour for each player), two regular six sided dice, one multiplication/division dice and one algebra dice.
The object of the game is to make a line of three counters, vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Each line of three is worth one point.
Each player takes a turn to roll the dice. The player throws the three dice first; the smaller of the numerical dice is the numerator, the larger is the denominator and this is combined with the algebraic term. So a 6, a 2 and a b2 becomes 2b2/6 or, simplified, b2/3. The player then rolls the multiplication/division dice which indicates if the next fraction will be multiplied or divided. Finally, the player rolls the three dice again to form the second fraction.
If the result of the addition or subtraction of the two fractions is on the board, the player may place a counter on that square, and it is the next player’s turn. If not, the player misses a turn. The game continues until the board is full.For each game, students should record ten simplifications that correspond to a square on the board.
Assessment options : Any drawn or digital representation of the twenty calculations.
Teacher notes : Please note, the video shows the games as belonging to level J. This is incorrect, and will be rectified in a future video.
Downloads : Gameboards – adding and subtracting algebraic fractions and multiplying and dividing algebraic fractions.