Task Name : Comparing Fractions Dice Game |
Task Level : H (Year 7) |
Semester : 1 |
Topic : Comparing Fractions |
VC Strand : Real Numbers |
Web Address : http://maths.crusoecollege.vic.edu.au/rnH
Equipment Needed : Three ten-sided (1-10) dice and one positive/negative dice per pair; A3 paper to draw a number line. |
Victorian Curriculum outcome : Compare fractions using equivalence. Locate and represent positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers on a number line |
Task description : .Students play the comparing fractions dice game. The objective is to create the highest fractions possible. Students roll the three ten-sided dice, plus the positive/negative dice. The positive/negative dice identifies if the fraction will be positive or negative. Students arrange the three ten-sided dice in order from smallest to largest: the smallest becomes the whole number, the second highest, the numerator and the largest the denominator. Students then plot each fraction on a number line. Students work out whether their fraction was higher or lower than the previous playerโs fraction, and show this comparison on their blog. Play continues until each player has played five fractions each. Points are awarded based on how high the fractions are: the student who played the highest fraction gets ten points, the second highest fraction gets nine, and so on. Students should have a minimum of ten comparisons made in this way (students will need to play two or three games to achieve this). |
Assessment options : Photograph of the number line, comparisons. |
Teacher notes : The rules of the game can be difficult to explain โ make sure you demonstrate with your students before getting them to play. The video can aid this. |