Semester 1 Topic 1 Level G

Task Name : Indices Poster Task Level : G (Grade 6)
Semester : 1 Topic : Multiples and Indices VC Strand : Number and Place Value
Web Address :
Equipment Needed : Poster paper
Victorian Curriculum outcome : Investigate index notation and represent whole numbers as products of powers of prime numbers
Task description : Students choose a number between 4 and 9. Students represent this number to the first, second, third, fourth and fifth power using arrays, product form and index form.
Assessment options : Poster, digital image
Teacher notes : If students do this manually, it can become quite tedious. If they insist on the manual form, encourage them to choose a smaller base. Students can often become confused with the idea of โ€œfive groups of five groups of fiveโ€. Get them to use colours or boxes to show the individual groups. This task does not match the Victorian Curriculum outcomes for level G precisely โ€“ it is included to support students who need to build their understanding around indices before using them in other contexts.