Number 2.75

To complete Number, level 2.75, you need to have on your blog four pieces of work:

Place Value

Choose six decimals (three with 2 decimal places, and three with 1 decimal place). Order them, label them with their place value and represent them using decimal squares. Explain how you ordered the decimals in a poster, a glog, or as I have done here, a Photostory.

Addition and Subtraction

Practice addition of decimals by playing decimal blackjack. To complete level 2.75, you must be able to play on advanced. Do a screencast showing how you play with your explanation.

Practice subtraction of decimals by playing rope tug. To complete level 2.75, you must be able to play on level 3. Do a screencast showing how you play with your explanation.


Complete level one of Black Bean Maths and embed the video on your blog.
